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'The Professional Camera'
       'The Mobile Phone'       

'The Professional Camera

 I am a real 'Old School Photographer' I need a camera that you can bring to your eye. Working with 'Photography and Digital Arts Projects' I need to work with a full screen. My work is aimed at the 'Professional Media World' who have powerful 'Laptops and Computers'.

Sophisticated Systems

The Ultimate Test

Technology is moving at such a fast pace, and some
'Mobile Phones' have almost caught up with 'The Professional Camera'. 

The 'Ultimate Test' for the mobile phone,  would a large media company such as 'S4C, ITV, Curve Media, and
The BBC ' Commission 'A Mobile Phone Photographer'.                                                                                                                                                              'This Is The Ultimate Test' ...

'The Professional Cameras' have a very 'Sophisticated Systems', they allow you to photograph in different 'Formats' and  even 'Multiple Formats' and 'Manually' too. 

I strongly believe that this is where the mobile phone may have a little catching up do.


Mobile phones work well with certain disciplines but not as effectively with others.

One discipline I particularly enjoy is photographing fast-moving objects. This ranges from capturing bird wildlife to the large 'Mighty Bombers' in the sky. Bird wildlife photography is an extremely challenging discipline, often you only' A Split Second 'to 'Capture That Special Image'.

Framing such an image on your mobile phone can be a test of speed and skill.

However, 'The Mighty Bombers' at ''Airshows' are quite large, and you should be able to capture some 'Special Images' with your mobile phone.

'Height Restrictions' may limit your photography; it depends on how much you can zoom in, to photograph the aircraft.

With a professional camera, lenses can bring us closer to the aircraft, but it remains a challenge to be creative.

Remember,' You are The Master Of Your Own Camera', whether you're shooting with a 'Professional Camera' or a 'Mobile Phone.

Disappeared !

The World is a different place than it was 'Ten Years' ago. North Wales was always renowned for 'The Landscape Photographer And Artist'. Over the last ten years all those photographers have disappeared one by one. This is because people like to take their own photographs. The first thing that a person will take a photograph of would be 'A Sunset', and North Wales must be 'A Land Of A Million Sunsets' ...

The Cost


If you did not have a monthly plan with your 'Mobile Phone'. Your phone would be very expensive to buy !

In the near future, it maybe cheaper to buy a 'Professional  Camera' than a 'Mobile Phone'.

Spontaneous Images

'Professional Cameras and Lenses' are very heavy,
and you need a very heavy duty tripod , so it does not
get blown or knocked over.

The mobile phone can be put into your handbag or pocket, and you can take it were ever you go . You are more likely to get 'Special Spontaneous Images' that you did not plan for.


'The Mobile Phone' is for the whole family, and it is very 'Magical ' see young children taking photographs.


If you are a 'Mobile Phone Photographer' and you are looking to take your photography to the next level you have to be professional at all times.

Never discredit another photographers work, you do not know the story behind the image and how difficult it may have been to capture. Especially Wildlife Photography it could have taken that person weeks to capture that very 'Special Image'. The Professional World will pick up on this, it is frowned upon.

This may not be your 'Style' or even your 'Discipline', But always find something nice about that image, and  wish that person 'Good Luck' for the future.


A World Of Change

Occasionally in life, it's necessary to reinvent oneself and one's work to stay relevant, and current. At times, it involves adopting a fresh approach to presenting your work in a 'New, Unique and Exciting Way'.

As a person, you you need to find a way that will reignite that inner 'Spark' and restore your 'Sparkle'.

It is important to give out 'A Very Positive Message'. For instance -

'Up and Coming Photographer And Artist', Embracing The World Of Change, Exploring Initative New Ideas'
                    'Exciting To Be Around And Found' ...

The Hologram

'Holography' is tremendous with massive potential, and at its infancy, it presents numerous financial opportunities.

Stadium shows have already showcased 'Holographic Performances' by icons such as Abba and Elvis, and I strongly believe George Michael could be next. The future may even hold events like 'London Defended' as a ''Hologram and Light Show.

With 'Technology' that allows holograms to be projected through mobile phones, it's conceivable that laptops could soon follow, giving rise to 'Hologram-Centric Websites'.

The Ultimate Test

We are all aware that the large media companies like the 'BBC' and 'ITV'  commission smaller media companies to make their program's on their behalf.

Each media company will have their own views about the mobile phone.

We are  stepping into unknown, I feel that in the future it may be a natural transition, just like the natural transition from the 'Film Camera' to the 'Digital Camera' ...

If holograms could be projected through a computer screen, then they could also come through the 'Television'. Imagine watching 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' with 'Creepy Crawlies' coming from the screen.

If someone like myself  were to create this, I would need to use software created by others, which could lead to 'Copyright Issues if it became successful.

This concept would be ideal for 'A Web Designer', as they have the ability to write their own programs.

The Ultimate Test - Up Date

General consensus believe that 'The Camera Of The Future' will be a very 'Sophisticated  AI Powered Slimline Compact Camera.' So Sophisticated it will blow the 'DSLR Camera'
out of the water ...

'Specially designed exclusively
for the Laptop'.

'The World's Gone Bonkers'

Copyright ...

"I'm Just Janey Nobody."  "Who"
"This Is Just One Creative Voice" ...


You are unable to 'Copyright' General Information', However, all 'Photography' that appears in the 'Photo' Blog' is the strict and legal copyright of Jane Anne Chaloner.

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