The Magnificent Flying Machines
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The Fairey Swordfish

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Copyright J A Chaloner

Copyright J A Chaloner

Capturing the spirit of 'Fairey Swordfish' ... (Filter used)

Copyright J A Chaloner
The Fairey Swordfish is a 'Biplane Torpedo Bomber', dating back to the 1930s designed by the 'The Fairey Aviation Company'.
The Fairey Swordfish served as a front-line attack aircraft for 'The Fleet Air Arm (FAA)' of the 'Royal Navy'.
The Fairey Swordfish had the capacity to serve as a 'Dive Bomber' and perform 'Night Time Missions'. The most 'Famous Missions' include playing an important role in the attack on the 'Italian Port of Toranto'. The Fairey Swordfish made a critical strike, leading to the sinking of the famous German battleship 'The Bismark'.
The Fairey Swordfish remained on frontline service throughout 'The Second World War'. The aircraft was the last biplane in the world to see 'Active Service'.
The Old Bucker

Copyright J A Chaloner

Copyright J A Chaloner

'A Message Of Peace'

Copyright J A Chaloner
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'The Old Bucker' is a ' 1930s German Biplane' which was used as a training aircraft by 'Luftwaffe' 'The German Air Force' during World War Two'.
The first flight of the 'Old Bucker' was on the 27th of April 1934, introduced to the 'Luftwaffe' as a 'Training Aircraft' in1935'.
'During the war, forced labour was used at the 'Bucker Works'. Up to 500 prisoners from the Soviet Union lived in a nearby prison camp under bad conditions there were also labourers from France, Italy, and other countries.
After the war, the 'Spanish Air Force' continued using the aircraft. The Spanish Air Force demobbed the Old Bucker in 1981, and the last aircraft to leave military service was in 1984.