Rhyl Air Show

'Thousands' of people travel from all over the UK to visit 'Rhyl' to capture the 'Spirit and Magic' of the 'Air Show'.
The Promenade is just a long line of professional photographers with their cameras and lenses looking out to sea, standing side by side with the mobile phone, for everyone is a photographer today.
If you are looking to photograph something a little different this is a 'Photographic Opportunity' not to be missed.
This is a 'Free Airshow' run over a two-day period during the 'August Bank Holiday Weekend'.
The beauty of the show running over two days allows you to be more creative, Just working with different light and cloud formations can change the whole atmosphere of the photograph.
Unfortunately, there are only so many ways you can photograph an aircraft if you can create a couple of weird and wonderful images this will lift your collection to stand out from the rest.

The Airshow is governed by the weather and I hope with all my heart that we will be having a 'Heat Wave'... However, we have to plan for every eventuality!
On occasion, we have had 'White, Grey Skys', the aircraft generate lots of smoke this combined with the light can cause 'Snow, Noise' on your image.
'A UVA Filter' may help you with this problem, most cameras and mobile phones already have them programmed into the camera.
You may be in the perfect spot to get the perfect shot at the start of the show, always remember that 'The Sun' is moving all the time. The sun will First move behind you which is perfect however late afternoon the sun will move to the left of you (standing forward looking out to sea) which could cause glare on your photography, depending on the strength of the sun. Do not get caught out ...

Denbighshire Leisure
You can find more information about the 'Rhyl Air Show' from 'Denbighshire Leisure' ...
Family Day Out
The Airshow is a lovely family day out, and what a wonderful time to have a 'Picnic' on the beach.
If you have children it is a fantastic opportunity to photograph the aircraft for future school projects, ready for when the children learn about the war.
If you are traveling by car approaching Rhyl from Abergele, there is a large open-air car park. The traffic may get a little congested as you travel into Rhyl, please factor this into your journey.

The 'RAF' have their own 'Media Department ' and 'Camera Crew', they photograph all the official images for the 'Benevolent Fund'.
'The RAF Camera Crew' attended the 'Rhyl Airshow' in the year of the 'Vulcan Bomber'.
Always watch where these people stand for they will be in the perfect spot to get the perfect shot.

A very warm 'Thank you' to the 'RNLI', without the RNLI the Airshow may not take place.
RNLI are all volunteers and they put their lives at risk every time they go to sea.
Daily Post
It has come 'Tradition' over the years that people submit and share their photographs with the 'Daily Post', so everyone can see each other's work. I think that is lovely and captures the ...
'Spirit And Magic Of The Rhyl Air Show'.