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Q & A - 'Technique'
'The World Of The Arts Is About Creativity, Style, Imagination, Originality And Individuality' ...

'The Power Shot'

'Abov' Sinking A Model Ship ...
Copyright J A Chaloner

'Abov' Sinking A Model Ship ...
The Background has been changed to match the full set ...

'Abov' Sinking A Model Ship ...
Copyright J A Chaloner
'Meet Abov'
Meet Abov, the male swan, here we see Abov sinking a model ship protecting his 'Young Cygnets'.
This shot was captured by accident I was sat down at the side of the lake when Abov suddenly reared up right in front of me.
This 'Technique' is often used in 'Portraiture' and 'Architecture'.
'The same 'Technique' is used in 'Portraiture' you need to take the image at its lowest possible point, by crouching down and looking up at your model.
This 'Pose' can look absolutely 'Stunning' if it is created correctly. This is a 'Full Length Shot'.
For this pose the posture of your model is very important, stand very tall with their head held high, get them to turn their head away from the camera.
Think about how you are going to position the body, including hands and feet.
Do not let your model look down at you and the camera, for this may not be very flattering. This would be an excellent shot for 'A Boxer' or 'Martial Artist' ...
'Eye Level'
Your posture and holding your head high is very important, whether it's ' Photography Or Film And Video Work'. If you are making a video with your 'Mobile Phone' , 'Camera' or the 'Web Cam' on your laptop, always ensure that the 'Eye Level' is correct for you. To ensure you look your very best ...
This Technique can also be used in 'Architecture'. If you have no choice but to photograph a tall building close up, this is one of the techniques that may be used.
You need to take the image at its lowest possible point, by crouching down, if you do not have a tripod you may have to straighten the image up if required in a digital imaging program. I would actually take a 'Corner Shot' so you would have two sides of the building.
You may try this 'Technique' when you photograph the 'Castles.'
'Fine Art Photography Is All About, 'Creativity', 'Imagination' And Style' ...
'Niche In The Market'
Do Photographers still take photographs of the 'Castles'? Back in 'The Olden Days', over twenty years ago I was in between jobs. I worked the summer season as 'Custodian' for Conwy Castle' It was a fun job I really enjoyed working for them.
We could compile a list of photography that has fallen out of fashion. Then, we might discover a 'Niche' in the market. Photographing this list could make you very ' Unique' ...
'The International Tourist' love our heritage, and if you sell your work in the UK, you might consider exploring the 'International Market'. While it may not be highly lucrative, it is different, fun, and exciting experience that can only enhance your 'Presentation'.
Lighting as a special purpose in each discipline particular in 'Portraiture Photography.' Are you aware 'Ladies' that lighting is
an 'Instant Botox' the light softens 'Fine Lines' and 'Wrinkles'.
Photographers often use 'Reflectors' to enhance lighting. The type of reflector you may be aware of is 'A Large Silver Disc'. We angle the reflector to catch the light and then reflect and bounce the light onto the person's face.
'Instant Botok'
'Rock Chick'

'Rock Chick'
Copyright J A Chaloner

'Rock Chick'
Copyright J A Chaloner
'The Blast Of The Arctic Wind Freezes Traeth Lafan'. Thirteen Swans' came to dine at Llanfairfechan, together with a Cygnet which was very, very 'Wild', which took the village by surprise. The Cygnets at Llanfairfechan are very tame . We nick named the wild Cygnet 'Rock Chick'.
Rock Chick was very wild, just how a Cygnet should be, I often wondered if the very tame Cygnets at Llanfairfechan would survive in the wild.
I created this image working with 'Natural Light', just turning down the brightness in an digital imaging program..
The image was taken quite some time ago, we are all working with different cameras. However you may be able to recreate the shot, if you look at the four corners of the boating lake at different times of the day the light is perfect to recreate this effect. It may take you a few attempts to perfect this technique. 'You Are The Master Of Your Own Camera '...
'Bird Wildlife'

'The Swallow'
Copyright J A Chaloner

'The Dipper'
Copyright J A Chaloner

'The Swallow'
Copyright J A Chaloner
I wanted to show that the birds we see every day can look
'Precious and Very Special'. By working with 'Movement and Technique', you can create some 'Sensational Images'.
Always capture your 'Basic Shot' first then if you are lucky wait for a moment until 'The Bird Lifts Its Wings', 'Priming Itself 'or 'Taking Off Into Flight'. This will give your photography 'Finesse' and 'Creative Flare.'
However more often than not you may have a fraction of a second to capture that image, it takes a great deal of patience
but you will have 'Shots Of Gold'. ('Spiritual not Pound Signs')
If you are working with a 'Mobile Phone' it all depends on how quickly you can frame the image ! For the best quality images try and frame the shot holding the mobile phone side ways on (Landscape). You Are 'The Master Of Your Own Camera'.
People travel from all around the UK to visit the 'Nature Reserves' in North Wales . You can find further information from 'The Royal Society For The Protection Of Birds' ...
'My Secret'

'The Red Arrows'
Copyright J A Chaloner

'The Red Arrows'
Copyright J A Chaloner
The first ever 'Airshow' I attended I managed to photograph a very contemporary image of 'The Red Arrows' flying upside down. Unfortunately we had poor light, the combination of white, grey skys and all the smoke caused sound or snow on the image.
It was such a special photograph it would have been a shame not to include it in the collection. So I put a filter on the image, and it gave the aircraft a very contemporary feel.
I included it in the collection and presented it on the website, I got so many lovely comments. A short time later I realized that when I put the filter on the image it also took away the pilot 'There Is Nobody Flying The Plane' ...
'Specially designed exclusively
for the Laptop'.
'The World's Gone Bonkers'
Copyright ...
"I'm Just Janey Nobody." "Who"
"This Is Just One Creative Voice" ...
You are unable to 'Copyright' General Information', However, all 'Photography' that appears in the 'Photo' Blog' is the strict and legal copyright of Jane Anne Chaloner.
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