'The Kudos Project' is an 'Aviation Collection' featuring the 'Rhyl
Air Show'. The project has been under development since 2015, collecting all the different aircraft and building the collection very slowly, I have put my heart and soul into developing 'Kudos', and I would like to share it with you ...
Non - Commercial Website

Q & A - 'About'
'The Kudos Project'

This is a 'Non-Commercial Project', however at one point it had the potential of being a very lucrative venture I decided not to take that path for very private reasons.
If I had sold the project I probably would have sold 'The Bite Size Collection' as a whole.
To do this I photograph the aircraft at every angle possible, which is why they are presented in groups.
When working with 'Fast Moving Objects' I will always ensure my work is centred up, I am too professional not to.
However, if somebody did want to buy the collection, I would work with my' Clients Brief' and create something very special for that person ...
'The Typhoon'
Treasure Hunting
'The Kudos Project' as been a very learning experience and as taken its own journey. Anything to do with the war is very 'Special' and 'Precious' people hold it in their hearts, they also see my work as their own 'National Treasure'.
I do not mind people using the odd photograph, however the copyright of the images must stay with the 'Collection' for that photograph makes 'The Collection Special And Unique' ...

'Catch A Falling Star'

'The Red Arrows'
'Fine Art Photography' is photographing something in the most 'Unusual ' and ' Creative Way'. This is what 'The World Of The Arts' is all about. People may not have experienced my 'Style Of Photography' before. Everything on the website is how I wanted the images to be.
Private Registration
'The Domain Name' has been privately registered. This means that personal information can not be given out. However, the providence of the website can be found in 'The Hello About Section'.
'The Kudos Project' is specially presented in a certain way working with 'Balance'. You will find that the 'Dramatic Content' is balanced with the 'Fun Content' ...
Short Stories - 'Kudos'
I give 'Full Permission' to re write the short stories in 'The Kudos Collection'. One lady re wrote 'Goosebumps' and included her children's names in the story.
If you have not had the opportunity to go to an 'Air Show' you will find that the children go absolutely wild for 'The Red Arrows' ...
With 'Great Respect' to the Welsh People' it would be a lovely idea for somebody to translate some of the 'Short Stories' and 'Verses' into 'Welsh' ...
On this website, I only display images in 'Low Resolution'. 'The Higher the Resolution' the larger you can zoom and print out. Should you require images in a higher resolution, please feel free to contact me.
The Digital Revolution
'The Digital Revolution' happened at least twenty five years ago, it does not matter how long ago you have taken that special photograph, you can refresh the image in a digital imaging program and resample the image if required ...
Some people may not have experience my 'Style' of photography before. I include things on the website very innocently, however we are all 'Unique Individuals' and some people look at my work in a different way. It is important to keep 'A Open Mind' for this is 'The World Of The Arts'...

Amy Johnson was the first lady to fly 'Solo' from England to Australia, Amy also set many long distant records ... in 1940 Amy joined 'ATS', in 1941 her aircraft disappeared it was reported that the combination of adverse weather conditions and no fuel made Amy decide to bail out of her aircraft, crashing into the Thames Estuary near Herne Bay. (Image - Wiki Media, Commons)

Amy Johnson was the first lady to fly 'Solo' from England to Australia, Amy also set many long distant records ... in 1940 Amy joined 'ATS', in 1941 her aircraft disappeared it was reported that the combination of adverse weather conditions and no fuel made Amy decide to bail out of her aircraft, crashing into the Thames Estuary near Herne Bay. (Image - Wiki Media, Commons)

'The Forgotten Heroes'
'A Mans World'
I go to the 'Air Show' to watch a show I enjoy looking to see how they put the routines together, the smoke and the atmosphere of 'The Crowds Clapping And Shouting Hurray', I love all of that.
However it is very much 'A Mans World', they refer to me as
'The Flight Attendant', all in good fun of course.
I am going to be political incorrect, if a man did a similar project he would probably go down the 'Engineering Route', take the engine apart, put it back together and put the instructions on YouTube. Just by taking a fresh approach both projects would be very different.
I just give it the 'Ladies Touch' ...
'The War Room'
Prolific Or Be Yourself

'The Vulcan Bomber'
"Hear the 'Howling' noise of the 'Vulcan Bomber'
sending 'Shivers' down your spine" ...
I have had a website since 2009 and I have presented the website in every way you can imagine. Presenting the website on a white background very formal and prolific even to the correct font to use. I just faded into the background and became that one person following the crowd. Once I started to be myself everything came to life and I began to sparkle.
This is not 'A Corporate Website' it is 'A Non - Commercial Little Arts Website' which allows me to be myself. When you click onto my site I wanted it to feel that I was talking to you as a friend. It is important to find the correct balance of being yourself and being prolific.
This as raised a few eyebrows for I do not think anybody as taken this approach before.
Always remember that you cannot please everybody for we are 'Unique Individuals' with our 'Own Preferences'. I spent years and years learning that lesson. People have a choice whether they look at something a little different or something very formal and traditional, and it is not one persons place to take that choice away. 'Everybody Had The Same Opportunity' ...
Click On Each Image

Russian Bear ...
Russian Badger ...
Wolfpack ...
Eagle .....
'A Small Representation Of Code Names'
Fighter F ...
Bomber B ...
Cargo C ...
Helicopter H ...
Miscellaneous M ...
'Nato Reporting Names'
The Police Gone Missing Notice
I feel I owe the public an explanation. 'Ten Years Ago' in 2014 I had a nervous breakdown. It is part of me, it happened, and I do not try to cover it up in any way. I wrote about my breakdown in the 'Charity Section' at the end of 'Covid' I would like to put more clarity on this.
'Ten Years Ago' I disappeared for 'Two Days' I spent some time in hospital, that was 'Ten Years Ago'. I have a 'Full Driving License' to show you I am 'Stable Minded '...
Thankyou to 'Face Book Police' for caring for you did not need to help by putting 'A Gone Missing Notice' up in 'Cyber Space'.
A very sincere 'Thankyou' to the village of Llanfairfecan and 'Farmer Gareth Wyn Jones' and family members for caring .
I have the 'North Wales Police CID 'and the 'Burglary Team' promoting me in 'Cyber Space', we are up there and we are 'Sparkling Like A Star' ...
'The Police Phonetic Alphabet' ...
Alpha ... A
Bravo ... B
Charlie ... C
Delta ... D
Echo ... E

Keeping us all safe ...

Keeping us all safe ...