The 'Digital Image' is made from little dots called 'Pixels'. The more pixels in the image the higher the resolution which will allow you to print your photograph to a larger size.
'Resampling' incorporates more and more pixels into the image increasing the resolution. Resampling does not alter the photograph in any way, increasing the resolution will only 'Enhance' the image.
Some digital imaging programs already have a 'Resampling Tool' included in the software.
There are many 'Resampling Apps' on the market to 'Invest In', and they are not very expensive to buy.
'Digital Imaging'
How much digital artwork you undertake on an image depends on what discipline you are working in and what market you are targeting, at the end of the day, it is pure preference.
The ' Professional Media World' will pay a premium for perfect photographs. If your image is more spontaneous they will still buy it from you but at a lower rate of pay. However, some companies like to do their own digital imaging. The only advice I can give is always where possible keep the original image.
Ref To ... 'Bird Wildlife and Aviation Photography'.
'Fast Moving Objects'
I only include 'Low Resolution' images on this
website due to unscrupulous people on the internet.
The 'Higher The Resolution' the larger you can 'Zoom Out' and the larger you can print out the image.
However, I would only give a person a very high quality, bespoke 'Limited Edition Print' with a 'Certificate of Authenticity'.
Due to 'The Charity Collection' 'Kudos' I do not mind people using the odd Photograph from the collection, however, the 'Copyright' has got to stay with the 'Kudos Collection' which makes it unique and complete. I have developed the project very slowly collecting all the different aircraft since 2015.
May I ask you to sign an 'Online Disclaimer' at a future date?
'Colour Collaboration'
This is a tricky one! If you look at your work on a friend's laptop the colours may look a little different unless the 'Colour Collaboration' and the 'Brightness' of the screen is in sync with your laptop only then will the colours be the same...
The smaller the device you view your photography on the darker the colours will be, you have to try and find a 'Happy Medium'.
If you are interested in photography and you want
to take your photography to the next level, or you are just starting out in your career, you will find that everybody will give you lots of advice, and it will be all very different.
This is because of a person's training experience and preference they may be working in different disciplines of photography targeting different areas of the market.
What you need to do is just take the little things from each person who gives you that advice which will help you with your own 'Photographic Journey'.
'Good Luck'
If your site has lost its 'Va Va Voom' more often than not just presenting the same work in a completely new way is all that is needed to make your site 'Sparkle' again ...
Do not be afraid to experiment with your 'Photography'
Once you take yourself out of your 'Comfort Zone' this is when you will begin to sparkle. If you play safe all the time you may not fulfil your 'Potential'. This is what the 'World of the Arts' is all about 'Creativity', 'Imagination', and 'Style'.
'Wildlife Project'
All the photography is presented in specific sequences creating 'Story Lines' and 'Story Boards' in view of making a little 'Flick Book Animation'.
Although I did not go ahead with the 'Animation', the 'Wildlife Project' was very successful on its own merit.
The 'Wildlife Archive' is a non-commercial project and has been very successful in the past. If I had sold the collection at the height of the site's success I would have sold the project as a 'Whole' ...
'Show Time'
When large numbers of people are photographing the same subject if you can create a small amount of really weird and wonderful images this will lift your collection to stand out from the rest.
You may not sell this style of photography but what it will do is sell the rest of the collection!
You have to get people to remember your work, talk about your work, and look for you on the internet. You have to put a show on ... This is your show, and you are the 'Producer' of your own show, it is probably the only time we will get to play the 'Producer', but we can all
pretend ...
'A Timeless Style'
'Photographers, Artists, Creatives' always strive to create 'A Timeless Style'. If you can achieve this your work will always be 'Current' ...
The 'Industry' is moving at a very fast pace, it is important but sometimes very difficult to stay ahead.
If you can research any future developments you are already ahead, plus it will make you a very interesting person to talk to.
'Have Fun'
Choose a word such as 'Beautiful' and repeat the word throughout your website in a very subtle and balanced way. You may find that people will repeat the word they may say "What a beautiful website".
There is a major 'Christmas Advertising Campaign' from 'The House Of Marc Jacobs' where they use a similar technique.
The company are promoting two different perfumes 'Perfect' and 'Daisy' the advertisement just repeats the name over and over again - Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy.
So I thought I would give it a try - Janey, Janey, Janey, Janey x
'I'm A Celebrity,Get Me Out Of Here'
I really enjoyed covering 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here' ...
Full respect to 'Lifted Entertainment' and 'Talent Manager' who gave every opportunity to 'Creatives' who live in North Wales to apply for the positions available.
The problem we had was that we do not live in a big city so we do not get the opportunity to work in 'Television' to gain the 'Credits' to fulfil the criteria for 'Lifted Entertainment'.
At the end of the programme, you will see a listing which are 'Creditations' to people who worked on the show.
Please do not let this put you off from applying for future positions. You may not have the correct credentials for this production but you may have the right credentials for future productions, and other 'Media Companies' have different criteria. This may be an unfamiliar market to you, but it is a 'New Market' to explore.
'I wish you all the 'Luck In The World'.
'Simply The Best' Up Date ...
In the 'Photographic World', we work in different disciplines of photography such as 'Wildlife, Landscape, Fashion and Commercial Photography'.
The 'Media World' works in a similar way looking at each 'Position' as a discipline such as 'Editing, Data Wrangling, Camera, Sound, and Lighting', as with any discipline the more experience you gain the better you become.
'Lifted Entertainment' just want to work with highly experienced skilled individuals, they just want to work
with 'The Best' as any 'Media Company' would.
With full respect to 'Lifted Entertainment' they like to help people just starting out on their careers too, they advertised positions for 'Runners' stipulating that they
had to live in Wales. Thank You ...
Always remember when you are working on a 'Production' it is 'full-on, 24/7' you have to help and
look after each other and work as a member of a