The famous 'Diamond Nine Formation' with the motto 'Eclat' which is a 'French' word meaning 'Excellence' or 'Brilliance'.

The famous 'Diamond Nine Formation' with the motto 'Eclat' which is a 'French' word meaning 'Excellence' or 'Brilliance'.
'The Red Arrows'

The famous 'Diamond Nine Formation' with the motto 'Eclat' which is a 'French' word meaning 'Excellence' or 'Brilliance'.

The famous 'Diamond Nine Formation' with the motto 'Eclat' which is a 'French' word meaning 'Excellence' or 'Brilliance'.
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As the carnival atmosphere builds, you can feel the excitement and anticipation of the finale as 'The Red Arrows' close the show.
Capturing the spirit of the day young children dress up in their little uniforms as they become 'A Pilot' for 'The Red Arrows', 'A Soldier' for 'The Army', and even a 'Policeman' to keep everybody safe. The girls dress up as 'Princess Anna and Elsa', from the musical 'Frozen'. A little girl looks up at a mum and says "I do not want to be a 'Princess', I want to be a pilot with a 'Barbie' plane." The girl's mum just smiles and gives her a big hug.
Crowds of people all look out across the golden sands to the sea, then suddenly they hear the chilling sound of the engines of ' 'The Red Arrows' as they roar like dragons in the sky, blowing red white, and blue smoke from the dragons tail.
'The 'Red Arrows' approach the show from behind taking the large crowds by surprise, this makes people jump, and the tremendous sound of' Nine Air Craft' all flying together gives everybody 'Goosebumps'.
With an almighty cheer, the children go wild, and the crowds of people clap, scream, and shout 'Hurray'.
'The Red Arrows' fly across the golden sands out to sea, the aircraft turn and are now in formation they form an 'Arrow' as they soar across the sky. A glint of sun pierced through the clouds if, by magic, the mighty jets make 'A Precious Diamond'.
The children go wild and crowds of people all clap, cheer and shout 'Hurray' for the 'Nine Diamond Formation' is the 'Red Arrows' signature.
The Red Arrows form a close formation, a single jet with red smoke billowing from its tail takes people by surprise as the jet crisscrosses the aircraft in the sky, people gasp and close their eyes. As the aircraft turns another jet approaches from the opposite direction both jets fly at extraordinary speed, "Are they going to crash?" People close their eyes and gasp as the aircraft crisscross, it was a near miss, it takes people's breath away and gives everybody 'Goosebumps'. The aircraft are still on opposite sides of the sky they perform 'Victory Rolls' and 'Fly Upside Down'.
The aircraft turn and are now in formation as the aircraft begins to climb in a vertical position up into the heavenly sky. The Red Arrows disappear in the low-lying cloud, but you can still hear the mighty roar of the Majestic Magic. A little boy looks up at his Dad and says "Have they gone to the moon Dad" he replies "To the moon and back son."
The mighty roar of 'The Dragons In The Sky' dives through the low-lying clouds with wavy white smoke coming from 'The Dragons Tail'. The aircraft curves and curls, and then the smoke turns red, white, and blue' they make circles like a whirlwind in the sky. The swirl of smoke holds a surprise as the jets with the brightest red, white, and blue smoke fly through the 'Whirl Wind In the sky.'
The two jets fly in opposite directions they fly curving and curling as they climb the clouds in the sky, then spiral and twirl back down. If by magic the trail of smoke creates a 'Beautiful Love Heart' another jet soars across the sky shooting an enchanted arrow through the 'Mystical Love Heart' to create a sky of 'Aviation Magic'.
The children go wild, and the crowds of people clap and cheer, scream and shout 'Hurray'.
'A Small 'Glimpse' Of The Majestic Magic Of The Red Arrows' ...
A Short Story By
Jane Anne Chaloner
Full permission to re write my story ...
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