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'Build A Project


 If you promote yourself as a 'Photographer' you will 'Limit' yourself instantly. If you promote yourself as a 'Multi-Media

Photographer' you will be able to take your career in all kinds of different directions, experiencing and exploring new and exciting markets.

To do this you need to 'Show Case' all your different skills and a lovely way of presenting your skills is by creating an 'Exciting Unique Project'... 


 You already have the work ... You are using the same work, but presenting it in a new different way. 

Firstly you need to break down all of your skills, you will be surprised how many skills you have.

Now you need to 'Show Case' each one of your skills in the most 'Unique and Exciting Way'. You are designing your project to make you 'Sparkle', so play to your strengths. If you do not feel comfortable writing a poem then do not write one! If you are a young adult write a 'Rap' and film it instead. Think of ways of presenting your work originally and uniquely.

Missing Link

'Your Goal Is To Sell Your Project As A Whole' ... I feel that many  'Creatives' will have put their heart and soul with great commitment and dedication into their work, and will not be able to let go.

However, you may receive a 'Commission' to build a project for a person from one of the 'Creative Markets'.

 Your project will lift you and make you sparkle to stand out from the rest and maybe your missing link to success.


If you are invited to join a ' Collaboration' do so with great caution! It is like going into business with a stranger especially if financial transactions are concerned it can soon turn into a 'Legal Mine Field'.

Never sign anything with anybody ...  If you do sign an agreement, then they sign the contract that you have written, 

Be Wise !

However, if it is your 'Dream Television Job' Your Forever Job' or a 'Salaried Position' then 'Sign, Sign, Sign Away'.

Good Luck

You already have your work and a free website, you have nothing to lose, but so much to gain.

             'I Wish You All The Luck In The World'


Copyright ...

'Specially designed exclusively
for the Laptop'.

'The World's Gone Bonkers'

You are unable to 'Copyright' General Information', However, all 'Photography' that appears in the 'Photo' Blog' is the strict and legal copyright of Jane Anne Chaloner.

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