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Family Friendly Or Blow Your Mind ...

Family Friendly


The industry is moving at such a fast pace, with the 'Internet'  and 'Social Media'  we are actually competing against 'The City Art World'. 'The City Art World'  just want to blow people's minds with their work ...

In the city, this website would be so 'Insignificant'...

This is because I have tried to make the site 'Family friendly' wherever possible, I achieve this by working with  'Balance'.

If I present a 'Contemporary  Set' of photography I would include a 'Classical set' too.

Blow Your Mind

It is important to 'Express' your 'Creativity' please do not let people hold you back, or make you feel that you have done something wrong because you are different. It is good to be different, being different is one of your assets!

If you do not 'Express' your 'Creativity' you may not fulfil your full 'Potential'.


With 'Social Media' and the 'Internet' you can become a part of 'The City Art World' and blow people's minds with your work.

If you decide to take this path, I wish you all the luck in the world.

    We all look forward to seeing your 'Photography'.                                           

A good example of 'Balance' is a feature in the 'News Section' entitled 'Reality Check' highlighting the 'Nuclear Threat ' to the 'UK'. 

I used two different videos to illustrate this dangerous situation. A  journalistic video explaining the 'Nuclear Threat' and a simulation of what would happen in a 'Nuclear War'.


This is more than enough for this website, if you 'Over Power' the feature it could have a reverse effect on what you are trying to achieve.

Thank you to 'Crux' for letting me use your video. 'Crux' has a very exciting, unique 'Daily News Channel' which is featured on 'YouTube' and 'Social Media'. 'Crux' will certainly 'Blow Your Mind'. 

Thank you to 'Ecuavox' for letting me use your ' 'Nuclear War Simulation' video. 

                               Crux - YouTube

                       Ecuavoz - YouTube


 Always remember that you will not be able to please everybody, this is because we are all unique individuals.

People have a choice whether to view 'Traditional Photography' or something a little different, and it is that person's choice.



My favourite artist is 'Banksy' for some of his work is 'A Lesson in Life' and that 'Lesson In Life' is different to every person who views his work. It takes a very intelligent person to be able to do that.

Banksy is also 'A Show Man' he puts on a big  show  and that is why he is who he his, and that is why he his where he is today. 'The Boss'...



 This is 'The World Wide Web', and your work may be seen all around the world.

It is exciting to think that all your work may be seen in different countries rich with interesting traditional cultures and inspirations. How amazing is that! This is why I strive to be 'International' ...

Love Island

 'Congratulations' to 'Lifted  Entertainment' on your success with the new series of 'Love Island'.

Lifted Entertainment 'Blow People's Minds' with 'Love Island', although there is a very fine line it is still very family-friendly, and that is pure genius.

Copyright ...

You are unable to 'Copyright' General Information', However, all 'Photography' that appears in the 'Photo' Blog' is the strict and legal copyright of Jane Anne Chaloner.

'The World's Gone Bonkers'
'Specially designed exclusively
for the Laptop'.

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