'News Archive'
'The Artificial Intelligence'
'The Doomsday Clock 2024'
'In 2024 The Doomsday Clock Was Set At 90 Seconds To Midnight'. This is the closest it as ever been to 'Global Catastrophe'.
3 min's ...

'Bing' is the first 'Search Engine' in the world to introduce 'Artificial Intelligence'. The rest of the 'Search Engines' and 'Social Media' will soon follow.
We need to become 'Artificial Intelligence' friendly. 'AI' is a very 'Powerful Tool', and is the future.

'The Photo' Shoot Party'
Adapting 'Studio Techniques' to create 'Professional Images' with your 'Mobile Phone' ...

'Kudos Bite Size'
Click On Each Image ...

The Wonderful World Of The Hologram
I am very interested in the weird and wonderful world of the 'Hologram'. If you research this area of the market, the hologram will 'Blow Your Mind'.
The next big thing to hit the industry is 'The Hologram Website' the hologram is an amazing promotional tool, it is only a matter of time before this happens.
You can download 'Free Apps' from 'Google Play' and have your photography projected through your mobile phone, the technology is already there.
The first person to create a 'Hologram Website' will probably earn a lot of money and the rest of the world will follow.

This particular 'App' only creates an illusion of a 'Hologram'.
'Rhyl Air Show 2023'
The Typhoon

Free Air Show
August 26th And 27th, 2023
Join Denbighshire Leisure In The
Free Air Show
'The Red Arrows Flypast'

'Aviation Magic'
You may have seen 'The Red Arrows' fly over North Wales on their journey to the 'TT Races' at the 'Isle Of Man' this week.
The Red Arrows will take part in several 'Flypasts' throughout the UK on the 10th and 11th of June and also perform at the 'Cosford Airshow'.
You can find further information with a full list of locations where you may be able to see 'The Red Arrows' -
'The Royal Air Force'
Most 'On Line' News Sites.
Rhyl Airshow
'Thousands' of people travel from all over the UK to visit 'Rhyl' to capture the 'Spirit and Magic' of the
'Airshow '.
The Promenade is just a long line of professional photographers with their cameras and lenses looking out to sea, standing side by side with the mobile phone, for everyone is a photographer today.
If you are looking to photograph something a little different this is a 'Photographic Opportunity' not to be missed.
This is a 'Free Airshow' run over two days during the 'August Bank Holiday Weekend'.