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Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner














Adapting 'Studio Techniques'  to create 'Professional Images' with your 'Mobile Phone', 'Party Guests' take the photographs ...

Jane Anne Chaloner_edited.jpg
Jane Anne Chaloner
Copyright Jane Anne Chaloner

This is a very 'Flattering Pose' for it will slim the lady down instantly ...

'Ladies Hands'

Always photograph the outside of the hand, the little finger side of the ladies hand, they will look very elegant ...

'The Dancer'


Gently turn the lady slightly to the side, then add a gentle lean into the camera ...


We all love' Spontaneous Shots', however, feet and awkward hands can sometimes spoil the image ...

Copyright Jane Anne Chaloner

This is where the lady becomes 'The Dancer,'

 the lady places one foot in front of the other. Always remember your 'Posture' is very important ...

Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner

'Working With The Eyes'

You can create the most beautiful images by working with your eyes. Always check the eye level of the image in your camera, it is nice to create a variety ... 

Copyright Hollie Chaloner

'Eye Colour'

Wear an outfit the same colour as your eyes, this will enhance your eyes and make them sparkle ...


The classical looking up and away shot is a very beautiful image. You need the impact for this shot, just include one image so you do not lose that impact ...

Copyright Jane Anne Chaloner

'Eye Level'

When photographing the larger lady, sometimes if you take the camera level a little higher so she is looking up at the camera can be very beautiful and flattering. Only include one shot to create that impact. Remember to place the lady gently side on to the camera with a slight lean ...

Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner
Jane Anne Chaloner


Photograph the man more square on, and give him chunky hands to make him look and feel manly ...

'The Posing Table'

In the studio we use a 'Posing Table' we can create the same poses with a 'Dining Room Chair'. You can create some amazing images for both ladies and men ...

Copyright Jane Anne Chaloner

'Crop'  - 'Editorial Shots'

This image is often referred to as a 'Crop' or Editorial Shot ' ...

Frame the image by using the eyes as a guideline. Always remember that when the image is printed you will lose the edges of the photograph ...

Copyright Jane Anne Chaloner

Sit back to front on the chair, now let your imagination run wild. You can lie on your arm looking up at the camera, place your hand in your hair just play and have some fun. Frame the images in a variety of ways, you can also change the angle of the chair ... 


Here we see the 'Classical Tape Measure Shot', this was very popular people always requested this pose. You can create all kinds of different variations ...

'The Photo' Shoot Party'

'Variety Is The Spice Of Life'

Head And Shoulder Poses.


Full-Length Shots.


Different Positions - Slight Turn to the Left And Right With A Gentle Lean.

Crop, Editorial Shots.

Work With The Eyes  -  Create The Impact.

Dining Room Chair (Posing Table).

Change Hair  And  Make - Up - From  Natural  To A Very Glamorous Look.

Different Outfit Changes - Include one outfit the same colour as your eyes, this will bring your eyes to life and make them sparkle. To make an impact just use one image ...

Copyright Jane Anne Chaloner

Have Fun, Play Enjoy Yourself, Capture That Magic It Will Reflect In Your Photography.


Include A Glass Of Bubbles And Nibbles Too ...

Lighting as a special purpose in each discipline  particular in  'Portraiture Photography.' Are you aware 'Ladies' that lighting
is an 'Instant Botox' the light softens 'Fine Lines' and 'Wrinkles'.

Photographers often use 'Reflectors' to enhance lighting.   The type
of reflector you may be aware of is 'A Large Silver Disc'. We angle the reflector to catch the light and then reflect and bounce the light onto
the person's face.

'Instant Botok'


I  first started my career as a 'Studio Photographer' many years ago for a company called  'Olan Mills'  working in the' Studio' and on their 'Mobile Team'. I worked for them on and off for many years, I was a 'Trainer' for the company Olan Mills sent me on a course to do this.

I no longer do any 'Studio Work' my heart is with the 'Media' side of my career. Not including any 'Portraiture' in my own 'Photo' Blog' would have been very sad.

'Up Date' - I did not include 'Lighting' for not everybody will have it ...

Copyright Alex Chaloner

If you are just starting out on your career this is an excellent way to gain experience.

'Portraiture Photography'  is all about capturing the ' Soul, The Essence Of That Person'.

This only comes with experience, the more people you photograph, the more confident you will become and the more likely you will be able to capture  'That Special Magic'.

                                                 Good Luck ...

Due to the doom and gloom of 'The Cost Of Living Crisis'.

I feel that we all need a 'Party',


  ' No Money Is Required,'  just the use of a 'Mobile Phone'.

I hope that you have lots of family fun capturing that 'Special Magic',  above all I hope that you laugh so much that your Tummy Hurts'  ...

                                            Have Fun Jane x

'A Very Warm Welcome To My Party' ...

Copyright ...

You are unable to 'Copyright' General Information', However, all 'Photography' that appears in the 'Photo' Blog' is the strict and legal copyright of Jane Anne Chaloner.

'Specially designed exclusively
for the Laptop'.

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