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2023 - Archive

'The Artificial Intelligence'

Images Of 'Artificial Intelligence' by 'Cave Wallpaper' and 'Fantasy Wallpaper' ...
'Artificial Intelligence' 'AI' has arrived, 'Bing' is the first 'Search Engine' in the world to introduce 'Artificial Intelligence' with 'Bing Chat', which is a very 'Powerful'. Important Tool', and is 'The Future''.
However, it is up to us 'Humans' to learn all about 'Artificial Intelligence' so we can use it to our advantage. So I would like to invite 'Bing Chat' to write a new verse for 'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight'.
To capture the 'Soul, Spirit, and Essence' of something you have
to experience the moment. I wrote a small verse about the
'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight', and this was just my experience.
At the 'Coronation Of King Charles' 'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight' performed in the 'Flypast,' all the crowds of people watching clapped and cheered as the aircraft flew over.
I think it would be a lovely idea to include a more uplifting 'Celebration Of Life' verse to run alongside the original version.
I send a very warm invitation for the public to get involved.
It does not have to be a poem or verse it could be a song, or we
can get the older kids,(young adults) involved with a 'Rap'.
I would like to confirm that the ' Traditional Version' of 'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight' will always be in place, this is very precious and is the most looked at page on the website.
People see my work as their own 'National Treasure', I do not mind people using the odd photograph, but not the whole collection or website. At a future date may I ask for you to sign an online 'Disclaimer'.'
If you find anything interesting in 'Bing Chat' please will you share it with us. Please include your favourite 'Family Charity' so
I can place a 'Charity Link' alongside your 'Masterpiece'.
Will Artificial Intelligence Be Able To Capture The Soul, Spirit, And Essence Of The 'Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight' ?
I think that we may have to use a verse, song, or poem as a 'Sketch Pad', and rewrite the verse developing it into something very special.
This is very new, and we are all learning about 'Artificial Intelligence', time will show the path that the verse, song, or poem will take.
'Let The Journey Begin'.
'The Children' are our future, and it is the children that will carry forth the 'Legacy Of Two World Wars' and it is important to include the children at every opportunity.
If it takes a child to write a 'Rap' or 'Song' using 'Artificial intelligence' to gain a greater understanding of the war, this can only be a good thing.
Many children do not get the opportunity to visit an 'Air Show' or experience 'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight', I think this is very sad.
However 'The Royal Air Force' at 'RAF Valley' on 'Anglesey' does a great deal of work with 'School Children and Groups', which is very special and we should all say Thank you. People who live in 'North Wales' often refer to 'RAF Valley' as extended family ...
The 'Host' of my website is '', at the beginning of the year, they introduced 'AI Text Boxes', which allow you to write a description about every paragraph and photograph on the website. At the time I did not understand, but I certainly understand the importance of 'AI Text Boxes ' now.
For large companies like '' to have everything in place
for the future is an indication of what the future holds.
'Bing' is the first 'Search Engine' in the world to introduce 'Artificial Intelligence'. The rest of the 'Search Engines and
'Social Media' will soon follow.
'Artificial Intelligence' is a very 'Powerful, Important Tool' and
this is the 'Future' ...
Artificial Intelligence
Capture The Moment
Celebration Of Life
'The Future'
Artificial Intelligence Friendly

Changing Times
Times have changed, and children have changed. To encourage the older children to get involved, You would have to find a way to make it 'Edgy ' and Current'.
Kids today look up to artists like 'Banksy', and World Master Rap Artists such as' Stormzy' and
I think they would be too busy to help ...
I think that many 'Creatives' may not take advantage of the writing side of 'Artificial Intelligence'. Creatives have to be 'Original', if you are 'Original' you will 'Sparkle'.
You have to be the first person to create something new, different, and exciting then you will be up there, sparkling like a star.
If we all use the same poems and songs from 'Artificial Intelligence' we will become 'One Person'.
I am discovering new things about 'Bing Chat' all the time, it is an excellent 'Dictionary and Thesaurus' and is a good 'Research Tool'
Privacy Laws
If you write a song or a poem about a person, this is very personal, always ask permission before you publish the song or poem on line.
You can read all the 'Privacy Laws' set in place by 'Bing', I think that many people will not bother to read the 'Small Print'.
My concern is - Can 'Artificial Intelligence' contribute to 'On Line Bullying' this is just my own insecurity.
Interesting Questions
On my 'Journey' with 'Artificial Intelligence' I asked 'Bing Chat' some interesting questions, I have not included all the answers for people may not have time to read them ...
Q ... Can 'Artificial Intelligence' advise about 'Stocks And Shares' in 'Corporate Companies' ?
Q ... How much does a return train ticket cost from Llandudno to the 'Rhyl Air Show' on Sunday 27th, August 2023 ?
A ... A 'Return Ticket' travelling 'Standard Class' is £9.40 ...
(Due to 'Train Strikes' this may be subject to change.)
Q ... How much does a 'Tin Of Heinze Beans' cost at the 'Asda Supermarket, Llandudno' ?
A ... £1.39 (subject to change) ...
Q ... Can you give me a recipe for 'A Loaf Coconut Cake' ?
A ... 'Bing Chat' gave me a 'lovely Recipe'.
Stocks And Shares
'Bing Chat' can only give and collate information that is already out there on the 'Internet'.
People who specialise in this area in 'The Future' may be able to ask very sophisticated questions that can make people very rich or crush a company, ultimately affecting the 'Economy' or 'World Economy' too.
'Artificial intelligence' is still in very early development, I wonder what the world will be like in just 'Five Years Time'!
I am just Janey nobody, I feel that it is just 'Common Sense' to raise this issue ...
Journey Of Discovery
I allowed My 'Journey of Discovery' with 'Artificial Intelligence' to take its own path and direction I feel that we have just touched the surface of this very fascinating subject.
The journey shows how important it is to make our 'Websites and Social Media Feeds' 'Artificial Intelligence Friendly'. This is an excellent 'Promotional Tool' and you may gain new business and increase your sales.
'Artificial Intelligence' is the future ...
Take a tour around 'YouTube' they take 'Artificial Intelligence One Step Further'.
'Can Artificial Intelligence Take Over Mankind' ?
Stocks And Shares
When you take a tour around 'YouTube' you will find 'The Stocks And Shares'... 'Artificial Intelligence Stocks And Shares'.
'You Tube' gives advice and information about 'The Top A1 Companies To Invest In', including ' Penny Stocks And Shares'.
I am completely out of my 'Depth' with 'Stocks And Shares', so I am going to leave you to make your own 'Conclusion'...
'Open Mind'
It is important for 'Creatives' to keep an 'Open Mind' 'Artificial Intelligence' is still in early development.
'Creatives' come from 'The World Of The Arts', which is all about 'Creativity, Imagination, Style, Individuality and Originality'. Personally, I do not wish to be a 'Clone' of another person, I just want to be myself ...
I am just Janey Nobody "Who" This is just one 'Creative Voice' ...
'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight
On my 'Journey Of Discovery' with 'Artificial Intelligence' I decided that the writing side of 'AI' is not for me, maybe in the future. I would love to work with 'Artificial Intelligence' on the 'Children's Version' of 'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight'.
However, I have discovered 'The Thesaurus' (Synonyms) which is a 'Creatives Dream'.
I would like to invite you to view a new 'Celebration Of Life' version of The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight'.
Presenting a short story called 'A Soldiers Wish.'
I enjoyed writing the story and I would like to share it with you ..
'A Soldiers Wish'
A very warm invitation to view 'The Children's Version' of 'The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight' ...
Working with 'Artificial Intelligence' - Bing Chat' I would like to present to you ...
'Pride And Glory'
Copyright ...
You are unable to 'Copyright' General Information', However, all 'Photography' that appears in the 'Photo' Blog' is the strict and legal copyright of Jane Anne Chaloner.
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